Artificial Intelligence In Health Care

Artificial intelligence will change the health care system soon. According to a grand view research study global artificial intelligence in health care market was at 15.4 billion last year. The study points out that the market for AI is supposed to grow at rate of 37.5 percent to 188 billion dollars. This industry will have many people invested in AI in some shape or form and will impact you in the next decade.

What You Need To Know:

Machine learning:

Computers learning data by using algorithms to complete a task without being programmed is machine learning. All of the top tech companies in the world like Google, Facebook, and Amazon use machine learning as a focal point of their business. There are different types of machine learning such as supervised learning, semi-supervised learning, and unsupervised learning. It depends on the industry the company is in for the type of machine learning that it would use.

The recommendation engine is the most well-known machine learning function that is used for Facebook and Google. Machine learning can help the patient based on their physical and mental attributes of the patient. The technology would recommend the right treatment that would be required. This could make the job of a physician much easier and have a quicker process. 

Deep learning 

Deep learning is a specialized subset of machine learning, where it analyzes data with the structure of how a human would conclude. Over the last decade, the structure of deep learning would be used for automated driving. For example, some Tesla vehicles have this feature where deep learning is used to stop at “STOP” signs or for pedestrians. It’s used to detect cars or other objects around the vehicle. There are multiple ways deep learning can be applied in the healthcare system. For example, deep learning could help a radiologist perform their task easier (Davenport 2019).

The AI would recognize specific images quickly to identify any issues patients have or have related images in the medical records of other patients. This type of altogether is labeled data that can have millions of images in the data base. This technology could be used on multiple fronts in healthcare system.   

Deep learning needs an immense amount of data to perform effectively. Cloud computing could help ease the process of hospitals using artificial intelligence. It’s unlikely that will not replace physicians on a large scale but will increase the effectiveness of helping patients. 


Not all hospitals or private practices will have this technology on hand in the beginning. To run these types of systems cost millions of dollars that some health practices cannot afford at the moment. But soon after it normalizes in the public, cheaper versions of AI will affect the industry and hopefully for the better.  Contact us at Hollander Lone if you would like more information on artificial intelligence in health care.

Davenport T, Kalakota R. The potential for artificial intelligence in healthcare. Future Healthc J. 2019 Jun;6(2):94-98. doi: 10.7861/futurehosp.6-2-94. PMID: 31363513; PMCID: PMC66161