
non-opioid for pain hollander lone maxbauer

Non-Opioids: Surgery Without Opioids Is Possible

Surgery can be uncomfortable, some more than others. Most patients find themselves suffering not always because of pain but because of the opioids they were given as part of their procedure. Now, non-opioid options have proven effective for acute surgical and non-surgical pain, limiting undesired side effects and, of course, the danger of opioid addiction. … Read more

2023 2024 income tax numbers

Income Tax Key Numbers

Qualified charitable distributions (QCDs) are distributions made directly from an IRA to a qualified charity. Such distributions may be excluded from income and count toward satisfying any required minimum distributions (RMDs) you would otherwise have to receive from your IRA. Individuals age 70½ and older can make QCDs up to $105,000 (in 2024, $100,000 in … Read more

Categories Tax
retirement planning hollander lone maxbauer

3 Essential Steps for Retirement Planning

Everyone does retirement their own way, depending on how long you’ve worked, how long you plan to work, and what your goals are for after you’ve waved goodbye to the daily grind. No matter your career or lifestyle, essential steps for retirement planning are consistent across the board and keeping these in mind with help … Read more

zepbound for weight loss

Zepbound: The Newest Weight Loss Drug

The Type 2 diabetes drug called tirzepatide was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in November 2023 for treating chronic weight management. Sold under the brand name Mounjaro for treating diabetes, the drug will be called Zepbound when prescribed as a weight loss medication. In a nation that has become fascinated with … Read more

estate planning essentials hollander lone maxbauer southfield mi

The New Portfolio: Estate Planning Essentials

The word “portfolio” has many meanings, and it can be applied to a person’s estate planning choices. If you don’t have estate planning essentials in your name, now is the moment to invest in the careful collection and naming of your assets and personal directives. Now is the time to build a new portfolio. Common … Read more

charitable giving

Charitable Gifting

What constitutes a gift to charity? A gift to charity is simply a gratuitous transfer of property to a charitable organization. The key is that your gift must be some kind of property–your time or personal services do not count. There are several different types of property that can be donated to charity, and a … Read more

Categories Tax