Eight Key Facts to Know about Social Security

A whopping 70 percent of adults in their 20s through 50s fear that the Social Security program might be reduced or eliminated by the time they retire, and don’t know what to expect.1  It’s important for all adults to be informed of what awaits them when they reach Social Security retirement age. Read on for eight … Read more

Managing Caregivers Stress

With more and more seniors aging in place, the rise in caregivers who are not health professionals has begun to increase as well. Informal caregivers may find that their work is rewarding, since they ensure that their loved one is getting the care they need and able to live their twilight years how they want; … Read more

Life Insurance Awareness Month

September is National Life Insurance Awareness month. And while most of us likely recognize that life insurance provides us peace of mind and security, there may be a few things you don’t know. LIFE INSURANCE IS NOT JUST FOR THE YOUNG Many people – but not enough – will buy life insurance in young adulthood. … Read more

Life Insurance and Charitable Giving

Life insurance can be an excellent tool for charitable giving. Not only does life insurance allow you to make a substantial gift to charity at relatively little cost to you, but you may also benefit from tax rules that apply to gifts of life insurance. WHY USE LIFE INSURANCE FOR CHARITABLE GIVING? Life insurance allows … Read more

How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?

Your life insurance needs change as your life changes. When you are young, you may not have a need for life insurance. However, as you take on more responsibility and your family grows, your life insurance needs increase. Your needs may then decrease after your children are grown. You should periodically review your needs to … Read more

A Quick Look at Life Insurance Needs

Have you ever wondered how much life insurance is “enough”? One general rule of thumb says that you should buy an amount equal to five to seven times your annual income. Sure, it may be a reasonable guideline, but this method does not relate life insurance needs to your personal financial goals. A better method may be … Read more

Comparing Life Insurance Policies

Like anyone else, you want a life insurance policy that meets your needs and budget. But how do you find the right policy when there are so many to choose from and many of them seem so similar? The key is knowing how to compare policies and evaluate the results. KNOW WHAT YOU WANT–AND COMPARE … Read more

COVID-19 Cybersecurity Alert

Cybercriminals are using the pandemic for commercial gain, deploying a variety of ransomware and other malware. Both APT groups and cybercriminals are likely to continue to exploit the COVID-19 pandemic over the coming weeks and months. Threats observed include: Malicious cyber actors rely on basic social engineering methods to entice a user to carry out … Read more