How to Invest in LGBTQ+ Friendly Companies

On a sunny Friday in June of 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States made a monumental decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, which drastically changed the country’s social and financial landscape. Same-sex couples celebrated, the nation’s monuments were lit in joyous rainbow hues, and Americans who identify as LGBTQ+ were married in record numbers. … Read more

How Financial Professionals Are Compensated

The fees that investors pay to financial professionals for their advice and services come in two basic forms: transaction fees and ongoing fees. While professionals may differ in what fees they charge, they are required to fully disclose them. TRANSACTION FEES These fees are generally one-time fees assessed at the time a transaction is made. … Read more

Four Really God Reasons to Invest

Forty-four percent of Americans do not own any stocks or stock-related investments, according to a recent Gallup poll.1 Individuals may cite different reasons for not investing, but with important long-term financial goals, such as retirement, in the balance, the reasons may not be good enough. WHY INVEST? Make Money on Your Money You might not … Read more

Investment Challenges of the Affluent Investor

High net worth investors face investment challenges that some would consider unique to their financial status. The fundamental tenets of investing apply equally to them as with any other investor, but the affluent investor needs to be mindful of issues that typically arise only from substantial wealth. Let’s examine a few of these. Being Too … Read more

Don’t Be Your Own Worst Enemy

One of the most well-known investors of the 20th Century, Benjamin Graham, said that “the investor’s chief problem—and even his worst enemy—is likely to be himself.”1 What Graham understood—and modern research is catching up to—is the idea that we all have emotions and biases that affect our decision-making. The innate wiring built to survive pre-modern … Read more

Alternative Investments – Going Mainstream

Recent years have witnessed the mainstreaming of alternative investments for certain accredited investors. In fact, alternative investments are expected to grow from $13.9 trillion in 2020 to $21.1 trillion in 2025.1,2 The impetus behind this projected growth is the belief that alternative investments offer the potential to enhance the risk/reward characteristics of a traditionally diversified … Read more

The Investment Risk No One’s Ever Heard Of

Knowledgeable investors are aware that investing in the capital markets presents any number of risks, including interest rate risk, company risk, and market risk. Risk is an inseparable companion to the potential for long-term growth. Some of the investment risks we face can be mitigated through diversification.1 As an investor, you face another, lesser-known risk … Read more

The Utility of Sector Investing

There is a growing popularity among individuals to broaden their investment strategy beyond conventional allocations and investment styles. Some see sector investing as a way to seek new opportunities for enhanced portfolio performance.1 Because of its narrow focus, a sector investing strategy tends to be more volatile than an investment strategy that is diversified across … Read more

The Anatomy of an Index

Did you know that more than $11.2 trillion in assets are benchmarked to the Standard & Poor’s 500 Composite Index, including $4.6 trillion in index assets?1,2 The S&P 500 is ubiquitous – we see it on the news, read about it in the newspapers, and very likely, see some of our own investments’ performance compared … Read more

Investing with Your Heart

Some individuals believe that return on investment shouldn’t be the only criterion for how they invest their money. For them, the social impact of investing is just as important – perhaps more important. The history of socially responsible investing stretches as far back as the mid-18th century, but its more-modern form began taking shape in … Read more