Strategies For Managing Student Loan Debt

If college were a party, then student loans are the hangover. Unfortunately, the “hair of the dog” won’t cure this headache, but here are some ideas for managing your student loan debt. The programs listed are not intended as tax or legal advice. They may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal … Read more

The Lowdown on Those Free Credit Scores

The Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act of 2003 provided individuals with valuable rights to the credit information companies keep on them, but did you know that the credit score provided to you may be different than the one provided to lenders? The first thing you should know is that you have a right to … Read more

Weighing the Benefits of Prepaid Debit Cards

Many Americans use some sort of prepaid debit card, for a wide variety of reasons. Some prefer them for their versatility and the ability to use them for everything from paying bills to spending money at retailers. They are also popular among the 7.1 million American households that, for whatever reason, do not hold a … Read more

Countering Counterfeit Currency

Believe it or not, the agency responsible for protecting U.S. currency is the United States Secret Service. The agency was founded on July 5, 1865, as part of the Department of the Treasury to combat the widespread counterfeiting of currency happening at the end of the Civil War.1 Combating counterfeiting remains core to preserving the … Read more

The Economic Journey of Your Morning Coffee

If you’re like 62% of Americans, you started your day with a cup of coffee. Few, if any, took a moment during this morning ritual to contemplate or marvel at the complex journey that brought their coffee from farm to their kitchen table.1 Coffee is one of the U.S.’s largest food imports. It wields an … Read more

A Penny Saved is Two Pennies Earned

The famous saying from Poor Richard’s Almanack is frequently misquoted. It was published by founder Benjamin Franklin in 1737: “A penny saved is two pence clear.” Finding ways to manage expenses is one of the cornerstones of a sound financial strategy. Here are some simple and inexpensive energy-saving tips that may help you save money. AUDIT FIRST.. … Read more

Password Protection Strategies

We all know that the more complicated a password is, the better. They should include a mixture of numbers, punctuation marks and symbols, and uppercase and lowercase letters. Or should they? Recent research into password security has shown that much of conventional password wisdom is not only wrong, but possibly dangerous.1 Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, and … Read more

What to Look for in Personal Finance Apps

Mobile applications have become ubiquitous. While many of these apps are games and social media platforms, an increasing number have been developed to help individuals with their personal finances. Which leads to an interesting question: what should you look for in a personal finance app? CATEGORY One of the first things to consider is what … Read more

Budget Check Up: Tax Time Is the Right Time

Every year, about 150 million households file their federal tax returns. For many, the process involves digging through shoe boxes or manila folders full of receipts; gathering mortgage, retirement, and investment account statements; and relying on computer software to take advantage of every tax break the code permits.1 It seems a shame not to make the … Read more