Your Retirement Planning

Many of us remember the phrase “too big to fail” from the 2008 financial crisis and cringe now that its use has been resurrected during the coronavirus pandemic. Others remember that the term was also used in 1984 by U.S. Congressman Stewart McKinney when he talked about the FDIC’s intervention with Continental Illinois, which became … Read more

Longevity Risk and Retirement Income

How long might you live in retirement? Think carefully. Your answer could influence whether you have enough money for a comfortable retirement or just scrape by. According to pension mortality tables, at least one member of a 65-year-old couple has a 72% chance of living to age 85 and a 45% chance of living to … Read more

Choosing Your Annual Withdrawal Rate

After years of building financial assets, the time will come when you begin drawing on them to pay expenses during retirement. Before that major turning point arrives, be sure to give careful thought to how much money you will take out of your personal savings and investment portfolio each year. The rate at which you … Read more

The Social Security Retirement Earnings Test

Take This Quiz: The Social Security Retirement Earnings Test Can you work and receive Social Security retirement benefits at the same time? Yes, but the Social Security Administration (SSA) will apply an earnings test. Part or all of your monthly benefit may be withheld if you earn too much. To help avoid surprises, take this … Read more

Five Lessons from Today’s Retirees

Each year for its Retirement Confidence Survey, the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) surveys 1,000 workers and 1,000 retirees to assess how confident they are in their ability to afford a comfortable retirement. Once again, in 2019, retirees expressed stronger confidence than workers: 82% of retirees reported feeling “very” or “somewhat” confident, compared with 67% … Read more

Converting Savings to Retirement Income

During your working years, you’ve probably set aside funds in retirement accounts such as IRAs, 401(k)s, or other workplace savings plans, as well as in taxable accounts. Your challenge during retirement is to convert those savings into an ongoing income stream that will provide adequate income throughout your retirement years. SETTING A WITHDRAWAL RATE The … Read more

8 Common Retirement Planning Mistakes

Here are some of the most costly and common retirement planning hurdles you’ll want to make sure you avoid No Strategy. If you don’t have a game plan, goals, and a timeline – there’s no clear path to get there or determine when you’ve arrived. It’s like getting in your car with a quarter tank of … Read more