
How Markets Bottom

With US equities firmly in a bear market, even the most long-term investors are now looking ahead to when the selling may stop and where the S&P 500 Index might ultimately bottom. “Nobody knows exactly how this market bottom will play out,” said LPL Financial Senior Market Strategist Ryan Detrick. “However, using history as guide, … Read more

Fed Is All In

The Federal Reserve (Fed) surprised markets over the weekend by holding its March 17-scheduled meeting a few days early and introducing a wide range of provisions. Those provisions are intended to add liquidity, increase credit availability, lower the cost of borrowing, and eventually support the economy’s recovery from the impact of COVID-19. Usually, Fed actions … Read more

Signs of a Washout?

The S&P 500 Index’s historic slide continued yesterday, culminating in nearly a 10% loss for the day, and leaving the benchmark index officially in bear market territory, just 16 trading days after setting a record high on February 19. In addition, the S&P 500 has now moved more than 4% each day this week, leaving … Read more

Weekly Market Update

Markets remain volatile on coronavirus uncertainty. Despite a strong day for the S&P 500 Index yesterday on stimulus prospects and greater election clarity, we expect market volatility to continue. The overnight news cycle pulled S&P 500 futures meaningfully lower as containment efforts intensified. Until we have a clearer picture of the course of the virus, market volatility will likely persist and … Read more

11 Ways to Handle Market Volatility

Keeping your cool can be hard to do when the market goes on one of its periodic roller-coaster rides. It’s useful to have strategies in place that prepare you both financially and psychologically to handle market volatility. Here are 11 ways to help keep yourself from making hasty decisions that could have a long-term impact … Read more

Coronavirus Pullback Continues

The global equity weakness continued yesterday, with consecutive 3% drops for the S&P 500 Index for the first time since August 2015. It might be hard to believe, but exactly one week ago today the S&P 500 was making a new all-time high. What a difference seven days makes! Yes, the uncertainty that that coronavirus … Read more

The Coronavirus Outbreak Is Spreading

News that the coronavirus—known as COVID-19—has spread to South Korea, Italy, Japan, and Iran, has led to massive selling around the globe, with many European markets closing down more than 4%. U.S. stock markets are selling off hard as well, with the S&P 500 Index down nearly 3% in early trading on Monday. “Although the … Read more

Planning for the 2020 Tax Season

2020 doesn’t just mark a new year, but the beginning of a new decade—and with it, some more changes to the federal tax code. It can often be easy to put tax preparation on the back burner, but being proactive can help you save time, money, and hassle. What steps can you take now to help the 2020 … Read more

Categories Tax

Earnings Season Observations

The recent news that technology giant Apple would miss its fourth quarter 2020 revenue targets has understandably increased investor anxiety surrounding the potential economic impact of the coronavirus (now called COVID-19). Lost in those headlines is corporate America’s impressive performance this earnings season. “Companies have done an admirable job growing profits considering stiff headwinds,” said … Read more

Life Insurance and Charitable Giving

Life insurance can be an excellent tool for charitable giving. Not only does life insurance allow you to make a substantial gift tocharity at relatively little cost to you, but you may also benefit from tax rules that apply to gifts of life insurance. Why use life insurance for charitable giving? Life insurance allows you … Read more

Closer Look at February

A late month selloff in January saw the S&P 500 Index close marginally lower for the month. But stocks have taken off in February, with the S&P 500 up nearly 4% this month, as US economic data remains strong and fears over the worst-case scenarios for the coronavirus appear overblown. Historically, February has been a … Read more