
Market Update: Daily Insights

US Stocks opened slightly lower. The modest selling pressure that followed the somewhat downbeat economic commentary from Wednesday’s Federal Reserve (Fed) meeting minutes has carried over this morning. Futures pared losses overnight on reports that US and China trade officials have agreed to meet in the coming days, but an increase in jobless claims dampened sentiment ahead of … Read more

Longevity Risk and Retirement Income

How long might you live in retirement? Think carefully. Your answer could influence whether you have enough money for a comfortable retirement or just scrape by. According to pension mortality tables, at least one member of a 65-year-old couple has a 72% chance of living to age 85 and a 45% chance of living to … Read more

Should You Change Your Investing Strategy?

Wise investors alter their approaches as market cycles shift, from bull to bear to something in between. A consistent strategy might be far more risky than one that involves tactical shifts according to the season. Take most 13-year-old boys, who love wearing shorts and T-shirts. They love this so much that they wear this attire … Read more

Fed Says We’ve Got Your Back for as Long as It Takes

The Federal Reserve (Fed) completed its latest two-day policy meeting Wednesday, July 29, and the primary message coming from the world’s most important central bank was a continued commitment to supporting the economy as long as it’s needed—and probably even a little longer, we believe, just to provide a margin of error. The Fed kept … Read more

Leading Indicators Elicit Cautious Optimism

Leading economic indicators continued to rebound in June, albeit at a slightly slower pace than in May. Yesterday, The Conference Board released its June report detailing the latest reading for its Leading Economic Index (LEI), a composite of data series that tend to lead changes in economic activity. As seen in the LPL Chart of … Read more

Choosing Your Annual Withdrawal Rate

After years of building financial assets, the time will come when you begin drawing on them to pay expenses during retirement. Before that major turning point arrives, be sure to give careful thought to how much money you will take out of your personal savings and investment portfolio each year. The rate at which you … Read more

Smart Financial Moves in Your 40s and 50s

These crucial years call for action. Today, retirement may seem nearer to you than it once did. The following moves might be worth making—and soon. Catch-up contributions to your retirement accounts. Starting in the year you turn 50, you may make a total of $1,000 in catch-up contributions to your IRAs each year and put an extra … Read more

Asset Allocation

Asset allocation is a common strategy that you can use to   construct an investment portfolio. Asset allocation isn’t about picking individual securities. Instead, you focus on broad categories of investments, mixing them together in the right proportion to match your financial goals, the   amount of time you have to invest, and your tolerance for risk. … Read more